Tuesday, June 17, 2008

"Knowing is Growing" Happy Summer !

Welcome to the growing season!
Many things are now complete, graduations,
moving up ceremonies, recitals and rites of passages,
all of which point to new beginnings.

The door or passageway to new things.
Projects that waited all winter.
A garden perhaps that "grew" as idea all winter long.

There is something to how, when you plant a seed, God changes
the nature of that seed so that it becomes a plant.
It is the power of God that surges into that tender young plant,
pushing it upward. Strengthening it till it stands on its own.

I may not be the gardener as many of you might be,
but I love to cook . . .
Growing season is a time for us to redirect our energy.
Let's take time to "grow" ourselves.

Here is a nice way to put a little snap in your lemonade
straight from the garden. I saw this in Martha Stewart.
Blackberry Sage Lemonade
Your "favorite" Lemonade
(just before serving)
1/2 cup blackberries
4 "cracked" sage leaves (more if you like)
Pour over ice, serve and enjoy!

2 Peter 3:18a
. . . but grow in the grace and knowledge
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
To him be the glory both now and forever.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

17: A Woman of Eternal Significance

Proverbs 31

She seeks wool and flax
And willingly works with her hands. vs. 13

She is not afraid of snow for her household
For all her household is clothed with scarlet. vs. 21

Strength and honor are her clothing. vs. 25

She watches over the ways of her household
And does not eat the bread of idleness. vs. 27

A virtuous woman not only cares physically for her home,
but she is also a "watchman" over the emotional and spiritual condition
of her family. vs. 25

She works willingly with her hands, this is mentioned in two ways here
in Proverbs 31. One way is with upturned hands extended in prayer vs. 13
another is as she ministers or serves. vs.20

Confident in the God to whom she prays, the effective woman knows she
has eternal significance.

God's blessing be upon our unity!
Psalm 133:1
Behold! How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.

This is the last of this series of Women in Gods Design.
I hope you have been encouraged to seek a closer walk with our heavenly Father.
And find that place were He wants you to serve.
My prayer is that you all will be in the place where His blessings will over flow,
to you and your family.


* The new study for summer 2008 will begin next week.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

16 : Esther - A Woman of Courage

Esther 4:13-16

Through the instruction of Mordecai, Esther realized
that her life had far greater purpose than merely maintaining
her own immediate comfort and status quo.

Mordecai's words pierced her heart; and at a great risk, she
committed herself to follow his advice.

Esther's heart was turned from her own interests to the plans
and purposes of God.

Ultimately, not only did the king receive her, but he offered her
co-rulership with himself. (5:3), and later awarded her his
signet ring. This symbolized a new level of authority in her life.
Her courage resulted in a great deliverance of God's people.

Truly effective women are those who are turned from their
own short-sighted agenda to God's eternal purposes.

May we, by our actions and purpose of heart, not miss any
opportunity, purpose and privilege for being where God has put us.

God's blessing be upon our unity!
Psalm 133:1
Behold! How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.