Tuesday, March 18, 2008

09: Multi-Talented Woman Deborah ("Honey Bee")

Judges 4: 4 , 5
Now Deborah, a prophetess the wife of Lapodith was judging Israel at that time.
and she would sit under the palm tree of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the mountain of Ephraim. And the children of Israel came up to her for judgment.

Here is another women who is as her names states Honeybee or bee is the nature of her name.
She answers to her name by her industry, sagacity -shrewd and practical, and great usefulness to the public, sweetness to her friends and sharpness to her enemies.

Deborah the wife of Lapidoth also known as the name of a place, Lapidoth signified lamps which Deborah made wicks for then supplying the Tabenacles.
Known as a woman of illuminations or splendours, extraordinarily knowing and wise.

Deborah the prophetess, one who is intimately acquainted with God, was raised up and given leadership qualities. Those who came to her seeking God for grace would have grace and peace, grace and comfort, and grace and glory.

Deborah the judge, entirely devoted to serving Israel, an officer recognized by the people of Israel as she rendered decisions upon their inquires.
Deborah by God's desin became a celebrated leader of political influence and authority, all the while maintaining the grace and dignity of womanhood.

Deborah had a reputation of arbitrator of justice, counselor, wife, prophetess and deliverer in time of war. The people of Israel witnessed Gods providence as they saw the defeat of Sisera;s superior armed force by Deborah's appointment of Barak of Naphtali.
Deborah depicts the finest possibilities of a gifted God-fearing woman , who trusts the Spirit of God to develop her full capacities as she impacts the world around her.

How are we impacting our world - our families, our church family, and our co-workers?
May God through the Holy Spirit be our strength as we seek to be strong in the grace and dignity of womanhood for we are called to this great office.

God's blessing be upon our unity!

Psalm 133:1
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.

1 comment:

Brianna Leigh Arnold said...

Where did you find the information about Lapidoth? I am looking for anything on him but cannot find it anywhere!